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In the videos taken from the World Parkinson Day 2021. In the interesting interviews we find confirmations, news and hopes, an open window on our future. On April 11,  the world has celebrated the  World Parkinson's Day.  The association  Parkinson & Sport  and the  Italian Committee Associations Parkinson  joined forces for  Movement to the Cure , an event designed to enrich  visions and innovative horizons  international debate on Parkinson's, on the  tools to deal with it and on

Sunday 11 April, on Sky channel 810 from 10 to 13 and in rerun from 22 to 01. Here from 10.00 to 13.00 WorldParkinsonday And also on the web at the same times, click on the links below. On the Parkinson Sport Facebook page , you will find the event, click and you can choose in which language to listen. On the Parkinson Sport YouTube channel , you will find the two

Un motto che riassume in sé una forte volontà di cambiamento. Ascolteremo: dall'Italia il Prof. Antonio Pisani, dall'Olanda il Prof.Bastian Bloem, dagli Stati Uniti il Prof. Michael Okun, da Firenze l'Avv. Paolo Fresco e tanti altri ospiti che ci diranno la loro sulla necessità di guardare il Parkinson da un punto di vista nuovo e inedito: vivere la malattia come una sfida, come un percorso personale

The Italian Committee for Parkinson and Parkinson & Sport Associations , in collaboration with Massimo Plebani's MYM group and WellTV Channel, present: World Parkinson Day - Parkinsonauts, movement to the cure. With the patronage of: EPDA European Parkinson's Disease Association, Fresco Parkinson Institute Italia Onlus Foundation, Parkinson Italia Onlus Confederation , Mondino Foundation National Neurological Institute IRCCS .   Sunday 11 April 2021 10 am - 1 pm and replicated at 9 pm-11pm, on channel 810 of satellite TV and the Sky bouquet

  Il Comitato italiano Associazioni Parkinson e Parkinson&Sport, in collaborazione con MYM group di Massimo Plebani e WellTV Channel presentano: World Parkinson Day - Parkinsonauti, movement to the cure. Con il patrocinio di: EPDA European Parkinson's Disease Association, Fondazione Fresco Parkinson Institute Italia Onlus, Confederazione Parkinson Italia Onlus, Fondazione Mondino Istituto Neurologico Nazionale IRCCS.   Domenica 11 aprile 2021 Ore 10 - 13 e in replica ore 21-23, sul canale

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