Parkinson instructions. 4th Part
In the latter part of the interview to Dr. Enrico Alfonsi, we will see what are the benefits that sport has on the disease, the lifestyle and the recommended power and how it will be used the data that the longitudinal study will collect through the project Parkinson & Triathlon.
The drugs, the honeymoon and deep stimulation. Parkinson instructions. Part 3rd
In part 3 of the interview Dr. Enrico Alfonsi, Institute Casimiro Mondino, talks about how the disease is treated, the drugs used and their effects, of what is meant by 'honeymoon' with the drug and arrangements for deep stimulation DBS 'deep Brain stimulation'. [youtube]
Parkinson instructions. 2nd Part
We have already published the 1st part of the interview with the neurologist Dr. Enrico Alfonsi. We are now to the second part: what happens in the brain, dopamine is it, what are the signs that precede the disease are some of the topics covered in this section of the interview, which will be divided into 4 parts. [youtube]
Parkinson, instructions for use. 1st Part
Interview with neurologist Enrico Alfonsi. What is the cause? There are warning signs? And 'crown? How is it treated? Sport is good? In this and many other questions were answered with great clarity and honesty neurologist, and also a friend, Enrico Alfonsi. Henry has a robust clinical and academic curriculum. Specialist in Neurology, Head of 'Electromyography and clinical disorders of the peripheral nervous system' National Neurological Institute,
Difficile non è partire contro il vento, ma casomai senza un saluto.
Così dice Ivano Fossati nella canzone dedicata a Lindberg. Per questo, devo ringraziarvi tutti perché con i vostri incoraggiamenti e i vostri saluti mi spingete ogni volta ad andare avanti e a fare meglio. Sono felice di essere partito per il mio viaggio, ma per fortuna non come diceva il mio collega Andrea Villani "senza neanche un saluto". Non mi conosceva, ha visto i miei post
It is difficult not to go against the wind, but if anything without a greeting.
So says Ivano Fossati in song dedicated to Lindberg. For this, I thank you all, because with your encouragement and your greetings push me every time to go ahead and do better. I'm glad I left for my trip, but fortunately not the words of my colleague Andrea Villani " without even a greeting." I do not know, saw my post on Facebook, he asked the virtual
Dai primi segnali alla diagnosi
Con il dottore - e amico - Enrico Alfonsi all'Istituto Neurologico Casimiro Mondino di Pavia. Da quando ho deciso di dire agli amici del Parkinson, la domanda che mi fanno più spesso è: Come te ne sei accorto? Con tutto lo sport che faccio, ho imparato ad ascoltare il mio corpo e un po’ anche a capirlo. Quei mesi di umore basso, senza motivo, sono stati