World Parkinson Day Italy 2021 Here’s how to follow us
Sunday 11 April, on Sky channel 810 from 10 to 13 and in rerun from 22 to 01.
Here from 10.00 to 13.00 WorldParkinsonday
And also on the web at the same times, click on the links below.
On the Parkinson Sport Facebook page , you will find the event, click and you can choose in which language to listen.
On the Parkinson Sport YouTube channel , you will find the two versions in Italian and English.
Live streaming only in Italian
Participate too! Become the protagonist of the Event by sharing it in full on your page or profile.
Comment and interact with guests from around the world.
Simultaneous translation Ita-Eng-Ita.
Leads in the studio: Francesca Mori
From 12 to 13.00 the absolute preview of the docufilm “YOU WILL NOT STOP US” emotions and images from the “Bike riding for Parkinson Italy 2020”
find out more about the event
Thanks to those who helped make this day possible.